Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Who's on First?

Here is the last names of the Korean starting batting lineup in tonight's World Baseball Classic game against Japan.

Lee, Lee, Lee, Choi, Lee, Lee, Park, Cho and Kim.

In the 7th inning, Kim pinch hit for Choi, making the order:

Lee, Lee, Lee, Kim, Lee, Lee, Park, Cho and Kim.

Oh yeah, and after Kim walked in place of Choi, he was pinch run for by, you guessed it, KIM! So the lineup remained.

In the 9th inning, Park pinch hit for Kim, now making the lineup:

Lee, Lee, Lee, Park, Lee, Lee, Park, Cho and Kim.

Just for frame of reference, if that were an American lineup, the batting order would look something like this:

1. Smith
2. Smith
3. Smith
4. Jones
5. Smith
6. Smith
7. Jones
8. Davis
9. Clark

And if you thought we couldn't possibly have any more fun with this. The starting pitcher for the Koreans? PARK! who was relieved by Jun and then relieved by KIM!!

Where are Abbot and Costello when you NEED them!!


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