Saturday, January 21, 2006

Story of the year

Hey, you know what I can't get enough of? That clip from the Knicks/Bulls game of forward Antonio Davis running into the stands to "save" his wife. It was the ultimate damsel in distress/hero to the rescue story!

I just wish I could see more of it. Instead of just showing it 5,000 times a day, why can't ESPN show it 10,000 times? I want reverse angles, extreme close-ups and perspective from everyone from the fans sitting nearby to the hot dog vendor. Don't we have a floor cam in that row?
I want to know what Peyton Manning thinks about the situation. I want Ozzy Osbourne to write a song about it.

I'm glad I didn't have to listen to any of the national sports radio talk show hosts discussing the insignificant football games this weekend, because that may have cut into my precious Antonio time. I mean, THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE FOLKS. For heavens sakes his wife could have been killed up there! Or at least had Pepsi spilled on her Versace bag.

All Antonio, All the time. Thats my new motto.

I've already purchased a home and road Antonio Davis replica jersey on amazon.


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